
Whinchat Hall, Escrick
Whinchat Hall, Escrick, YO19 6EJ, United Kingdom
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If you are the kind of business person that although devoted to your company, would rather spend the day walking the countryside you'll be perfectly suited to this one of a kind office centre.
Currently over 3000 sq. ft of prime office space is available in this historic barn conversion. The expert renovations have transformed this property into a fully inclusive office centre capable of handling even the most cutting edge of modern businesses. Tenants enjoy the use of meeting rooms, kitchens, outdoor seating and enough parking for up to twenty cars. When the hassles of your working day get to much, why not take a short walk to the nearby fishing lake or explore the rugged countryside? Fresh air, natural light and broadband capability? What more could you ask for?
Currently over 3000 sq. ft of prime office space is available in this historic barn conversion. The expert renovations have transformed this property into a fully inclusive office centre capable of handling even the most cutting edge of modern businesses. Tenants enjoy the use of meeting rooms, kitchens, outdoor seating and enough parking for up to twenty cars. When the hassles of your working day get to much, why not take a short walk to the nearby fishing lake or explore the rugged countryside? Fresh air, natural light and broadband capability? What more could you ask for?
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