Social Media Marketing: Why Facebook Pages Might not Be a Useful Investment for Small Businesses

Posted on 25/04/2018

Social media is here to stay, and marketers are using this outlet more than ever. Almost everyone is doing it, and it's clearly working. That doesn't mean however, that it's a good investment for every business. When choosing online marketing strategies, make sure you're making the best of your social media marketing efforts.

Your Time Is an Investment

Time is money, and social media marketing is a strategy that requires daily activity. An account is quick and easy to set up, but establishing a following requires time and attention. If your time is better suited elsewhere, you may want to leave Facebook idle.

Remain Comfortable with Your Investment

If you can't afford the funds to hire a social media marketer, don't pour your time and money into social media marketing. Use Facebook to your advantage, and make sure your business is visible on the popular social media platform, and occasionally do some updating and maintenance yourself. Ads and marketing can become expensive, and if "likes" are not translating into dollars, it may be time to turn your attention elsewhere. The opportunity for publicity is everywhere, and it's best to not get bogged down with a single strategy.

Don't Limit Your Network

Although Facebook is a billion dollar business, it may not help turn your business into one. Other social media platforms are commanding and converting sales as well. It would be stale thinking to limit yourself to Facebook. Instead, look into different social media options, and explore other successful inbound marketing strategies.

Finding the Right Media for Your Market

Facebook may be the poster child for social media, but it may not be the most effective place for every business to promote itself. Different demographics are best targeted in different places. Study the statistics, and make sure that Facebook is the best place for your business to establish a fan base. You may be better off turning your attention to other forms of inbound marketing, or focusing on other media platforms.

Fake Fans Make Facebook Feel Cheap

It's quite possible to have a large following on Facebook that ends where it starts. If your page is not converting "likes" into customers, it could be due to poor quality leads. Facebook is flooded with "like" ladders and other schemes that pollute the marketing process. Quantity counts for nothing when quality doesn't exist. Don't waste advertising dollars on cheap "likes" from people who won't help grow your brand.

Send Marketing Traffic to Your Home Page

Directing traffic to your own website is a more effective marketing strategy than directing traffic to a Facebook page. Sending users to your own website through advertising will increase your website's rating, and yield better results. When posting content online, your business should be directly benefiting from the content. Content posted on a company website will help drive traffic and improve the site's SEO value. This can be done through blogging, posting current and relevant content, and with paid ads from media and Internet sources.

Facebook, like other popular social media, has become an outlet of opportunity. It is not however, the only successful strategy that works. Make sure you're getting the best for your marketing dollars and choosing marketing strategies that engage your target market. If you're looking for a professional space to discuss your next marketing move, visit us at With YourCityOffice, you can utilize our polished professional spaces to project your business' future in the best light possible.

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